my debut novel

When the Stars Dance

is now an auto-narrated audiobook

The True Order is shrouded in mystery, just the way they like it 

About The Audiobook

The Audiobook of this story came about in the most unexpected way. The stars truly had to align for this to come together as nicely as it did. It all started with an e-mail. Google Play Books was running a beta test of their auto-narration service, and because I read the right e-mail at the right time, I was able to partake in this endeavour. 

Unlike the process of recording an audiobook with some humans, the creation of this auto-narrated audiobook was much like Cormac’s discovery of his new world, lonely. For many hours, I sat at my desk, headphones on, listening to our lovely narrator Archie’s dulcet voice speak the words I had only ever thought. 

It was a marvellous experience, and I owe so much to Google Play Books for making this opportunity available to me. However, many were involved in getting this project over the finish line: My parents and brother, ever supportive; my wonderful partner, an ever-ready ear to listen to my belly-achings; and of course, my most wonderful newsletter subscribers for their encouragement and fidelity. To you all, I say many times over, “Thank you.”

Book One of the True Order Series

When the Stars Dance

In the True Order of Life and Death, one man’s love can end the world … or save it.

After waking up in the dark with no memories, Cormac learns that he is dead. He is now a Guide in the Order that helps people cross over from life to death. Accepting his new role as an ally to the living, Cormac goes into their world and meets vibrant people who are alive and full of love and joy.

Although this world is enticing, mysterious things keep happening to him there, things that cannot be explained. He tries to find answers, but danger lurks behind each turn. The other Guides prove to be dangerous too, if not cryptic and deceitful.

Realising he is in danger, Cormac tries to focus on his newfound duties. But when he gets pulled between his responsibilities to the Order and the love he has found with one living beauty, Cormac must find a way to save her … a way that won’t tear the fabric of time and space apart.

This journey of self-discovery – filled with love, loss, and mystery – will pull you through different worlds and into the strange places in between … right to the edge of existence … and back again, if you’ll let it.

you can buy the audiobook here:

By the dim light that was around them, Cormac could see that they were in a small courtyard with a stone table and two benches on either side.

“Is this where your car is?” Cormac asked tentatively.

“Don’t be stupid, Cormac,” Akael spat, “Guides don’t use cars.”

Cormac, our story’s hero, and Akael are both Guides for the True Order of Life and Death

Book Two in the True Order Series coming soon

you can buy the audiobook here:

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